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Mag 254 Authentication Login and Password Reset Updated FREE

Mag 254 Authentication Login and Password Reset

You're trying to stream IPTV service on STB emulator, MAG254, or SMART STB but despite your all-time effort you can't seemed to get passed the login and countersign authentication screen. Keep reading to find out why that's happening…

authentication screen for IPTV

The login authentication problem is primarily caused by not having the correct MAC address inside the profile settings.

Here'due south how things are supposed to piece of work…

All IPTV servers have the aforementioned login authentication error, there is no actual username and password that you need to enter to sign in. This is a matter of having an active MAC address, having said MAC address entered the right location, and making sure you're using the correct portal URL. If you get these iii things correct information technology would work.

When you start registered for IPTV service your provider likely asked you for a MAC address beginning with 00:1A:79. If your a first time user that is non however familiar with how things piece of work yous may have left this field blank or gave a wrong MAC address that did not brainstorm with 00:1A:79. In this example your provider may take generated one for you. If this is the case yous'll demand to edit the existing MAC in place for i created in the settings of the STB emulator app. Once you've changed this yous'll be able to past-pass the screen and start streaming.

I caveat… For SMART STB users, MAG 254, Dreamlink, Formuler, and Fizz IPTV box you lot'll need to locate the correct MAC (run into sticker at the lesser of device) and contact your service provider to register this number instead. But once yous have this MAC activated will you be able to access the content hidden behind this screen.

STB emulator Authentication

Where to find and change MAC address on STB emulator

When you lot open the app, you'll likely be greeted with the login / countersign (how pleasant). Permit's become rid of this by going into the settings of the STBemu app.

i. Even though your screen may have a login you tin can still utilize mouse cursor and select on upper right hand side to reveal the 3 dots. Select this and information technology volition reveal a secret drib downward carte du jour. From here you tin can go into settings. Alternatively, you could just printing carte du jour on your bones remote that came with device and information technology volition also bring the same carte.

access settings of STB emulator app
2. From within the settings you'll see option titled 'profiles' select this, on android box on the right side it'll say profile # (some random digits).

select profile option stb emu
3. Information technology would look like this, select the existing profile option. At that place'due south no need to add new profile. By calculation new profile you would create a brand new profile with unlike MAC and portal URL. Only useful option if you're using multiple servers.

access settings of STB emulator app
4. This would bring you to a new screen with portal settings and STB configuration. The portal settings is where you've entered URL. If y'all're seeing login, information technology's likely y'all've entered that correctly. Nether STB configuration yous could notice the MAC address.

access STB configuration
five. Hither you can edit the MAC address to match the ane generated. Alternatively, you lot could contact your provider to make sure this is the one they take registered on their cease.

change MAC address to match active one
6. Once you're sure you have both the right MAC and URL entered just restart the portal. To do that you would go out back to the blueish screen > get the drop carte to appear > select profile twice. An alternative option would be to restart the device and re-open the app and you should see the yellow progress loading bar.

The second and less likely reason why…

Some IPTV servers let multiple devices for one active MAC Accost. This means you can apply the one MAC Address beyond ii android devices with STB emulator. Even so, nigh servers have a policy to only allow 1 device to be active at a fourth dimension. By siging on 1 device you're automatically signed out of the second and become infamous authentication screen. Now, to sign back in yous would simply need to restart the portal and you'll get access again. Even so, if you go kicked out constantly then your MAC accost may exist compromised and you should contact your provider to get a new one registered.


I hope this helped in getting by the wretched login and password.

In brusque, it'due south likely you merely have the incorrect MAC address or your current MAC entered inside the settings hasn't still been activated. Be certain you have entered both MAC and Portal URL correctly. If y'all're able to sign but are constantly getting kicked off the server information technology could exist the MAC accost is compromised and you lot should contact your provider.

If you're still having issues contact your provider where you purchased the service from. They should be able to reset the MAC for yous. If y'all're on android or Buzz XPL 3000 you could asking a modify in MAC address. Most servers allow providers to make this change hands on their end.

Mag 254 Authentication Login and Password Reset



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